Website security is a hot topic these days. This is due to the number of hacking events we are observing every day. Hacking of personal social media accounts of famous people to hacking of government and private firms websites, hacking is a common trend in the news. Hackers usually target big brands to ask for money and social media as well to steal the data of the users. Many companies and organizations are struggling with these hacking events and always trying to make their website secure. So if you are also running your business through a website you need to stay alert and prepared for these cyber attacks. Hence, In today’s article, I am going to give you seven tips which you can use to protect your website from hackers.
Let’s dig right in
7 Tips to protect website from hackers

1. Update software regularly
Updating software is very vital in the constantly evolving realms of technology. Outdated websites are most vulnerable to hackers. Regularly updating software is important to protect your website from getting noticed by the hackers. Software updation brings latest features and enhances the overall performance of the website. You would not be able to protect your website if it is not frequently updated.
2. Multi-level authentication
This method has recently been on the high rise. Multi-level authentication includes stepwise login where the user is asked to enter the password first and then after that it asks for OTP which is sent on the user’s mobile number real time and is usually valid for few minutes. So it is a more safe and reliable method to eliminate the chances of login by a fake user who might hack the website.
Another way to eliminate the bots that are used by the hackers is that many websites asks their user to prove that they are not robots which may sound weird but as already been mentioned, there are bots who has been programmed to hack your website. So please don’t get offended the next time a site asks you to prove that you are not a robot.
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3. The strength of password
Besides updating software it is equally important to have a strong and unique username and password. Some people use passwords that are easy to remember but they are more prone to hacking. Many websites and accounts get hacked due to easy to guess passwords. Also, you should change password regularly. If there are multiple accounts associated with a website you have to ensure that every account has different password. Username and passwords should not be ‘all alphabets’ but they should also contain numerals and special characters.
4. Prevent hackers from uploading files
Another way by which hackers can make their way through into your websites. If you permit any user to upload files on your site without any pre-verification or even after verification at times it is bound to get hacked. Hackers can figure out how to get into your database by uploading PHP files that have the capacity of executing command on the website.
5. Limited number of login attempts
Another technique to secure your website is by limiting the chances of login attempts. It is possible that the hacker would be able to crack the password by trying different combinations of username and passwords and attempting login multiple times. So if the number of login attempts is limited, this probability will go down. This ensures that the hacker gets less number of chances to make the right combination.
6. Block PHP execution
PHP files contain a sort of computer language that can execute commands on a site. Presence of this file demonstrates an indication of hacking activity. Hackers can control a folder if that has a PHP file inside it. By getting access to these folders it becomes easier for the hackers to get hold of the website. To forestall this potential hacking activity you can block PHP execution in folders.
7. Fort of firewall
A firewall is a crucial security software that checks for all the online traffic, incoming or outgoing through your network. It can stop hackers from accessing your computer via internet. It also protects your system from malware attacks and basically blocks all the unauthorized access to your system.
Firewalls are often termed as first line of defense. Hackers use Trojan viruses to sneak in to your system and steal personal data such as history, passwords or even banking details. Firewalls acts like a fort against this army of hackers.
Wrapping it up
Cyber security is such an important issue that every web development agency should look into while developing website. Otherwise you can lose your finances and your customer’s data which is most important these days.
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