Writing a great piece of content can be difficult. Many content marketers are struggling to draw traffic to their content. What could be the reason behind this? The most possible reason is that your content may lack the fundamental elements that are very important for content in order to make it worthy of driving traffic. Due to this your content is unable to draw the desired traffic. So, what are these fundamental elements that make content great?  And how should we include them into our content writing strategy? In today’s article, I am going to answer these questions so that you can make your content writing flawless.

Let’s jump right in

Fundamental elements for flawless content writing

content writing

Headline must be compelling

This is the first most important part of content writing. Headline is the first part that grabs the attention of the visitor on your website. According to a survey, majority of the visitors just read the headline and exit the site, only few of them actually reads the rest of the content. Hence, your headline becomes your only shot to make visitors stay on your site to read the rest of your content. Therefore, it is vital that you craft an attractive and compelling headline.

A strong headline of 9-11 words is generally considered the safest shot. However, it is the words that matters more. Use powerful words and phrases that compel your reader to go through the entire thing. For instance, phrases like “All you need to know”, “You must know” or “An easy guide to…” these are some very common compelling phrases to use in headlines.

Read also : Promote your content using these simple tips

Powerful Introduction

Now that the readers got impressed by the headline and decide to read the rest of the content, it’s your duty to give them something which will intrigue them more to go on further. This can be done by a powerful introduction. Your introduction should be an extension of your headline. You should give in the introduction what you promised in the headline. If you lose track and give something different than what audience expected you will not be able to retain those visitors. Hence, it is important that you acknowledge what your audience wants and then write an interesting and encouraging introduction for them.  

Focus on audience

Your writing should depend on the target audience of your content. You cannot write everything for everyone. The focus should be on the audience you are targeting with a particular article. Your focus should be on the potential readers of the content hence; you need to focus on them only. Write content for your specific audience.

For instance, if you are writing on a highly specific topic like on a technology trend then your writing should focus on the tech fans and tech experts. If you are writing on a general topic then you can write for everyone. Let’s say you are writing a blog on a makeup product then you need to narrow down your focus onto makeup artists and influencers.

Narrow and clear

Besides focusing on a subset of people, your content should be to the point and clearly put out. A single idea should run from headline to conclusion. Content should flow naturally with clear and easy to understand language. It should be able to provide logical arguments and key takeaways. The focus should not shift from the main theme because your audience is too broad you cannot provide everything to everyone that will make you go all over the place so try to keep focus as tight as possible. You can provide some real value around a specific topic by narrowing your focus.

Interesting and engaging

Headline is the first step that has the power to engage the visitor. This trend should continue throughout the entire content. Regardless of how much your headline is engaging, if your content does not quickly engage your visitors they are going to bounce. Hence, make your content engaging by using simple and easy to understand language; complicating things will not be much effective.

Also the level of engagement depends on the platform on which you’re putting the content. For instance, on social media long form content will not perform better no matter how valuable and knowledgeable it is. Visual content will perform better on social media whereas long form content will perform better on blogs and forums etc.

Valuable content that readers want

You have to create content that your audience wants. Let’s say your audience wants content on Video marketing tips and you are giving them everything but video marketing so they will definitely not come back to your site. Hence, it is very important that you create valuable content that aligns with what your audience wants to read.

If you don’t give them what they want then you will see high bounce rate. In order to find out what your audience wants you need to perform keyword research before you start to write. Then according to the data you obtain, decide what you want to write and accordingly write the best high-quality content for your readers.

Tips to take action

Along with writing great quality content you need to fill your content with actionable tips. Whatever you are writing about you can provide some actionable tips on how to do that specific thing. You can share and reference tools and processes used for that particular topic. This is more than just providing quality content. When you help your readers to take action on what they are reading, there is a better chance they will come back to you and even share your content. They may even go one step further to sign up for newsletter or download gated content and even avail your paid services.

Wrapping it up

Writing a flawless content is not easy but not impossible either. You need to just keep these fundamental elements in proper place in your content so that your audience does not bounce. Content is a vital part of every website especially now a days when people engages with good content on the internet too much. If you are new to this field you can hire the content marketing services from Digital marketing agencies in Singapore.

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Apoorva : I am a writing geek and a bookaholic who is exploring different genres of writing. Currently writing about Information technology, digital Marketing, SEO, latest technology & marketing trends. I am always curious to learn new things so I can enhance my knowledge. I like to maintain authenticity and originality in my writing. I assure my readers that I will try my best to produce the finest content for them.