As someone who is into content marketing, we all have some personal favourite, “top notch” content. But sometimes we feel sad about them as they are already sitting there and we don’t know how to put them before the audience again. Let’s face it, it would be a shame to let our “top notch” content just sit there. Here, ‘repurpose content’ comes into picture. Yes! What if I tell you that you can breathe life into your old content and continue to gain value from your “top notch” content. With repurposing your content, you can head start your creation process and the best pieces of your content will no longer be needed to keep in the history section.
In today’s article, I am going to talk about eight smart ways you can use to repurpose your best content and gain more traffic for that.
Let’s jump right in
First of all, let’s see some benefits of repurposing content
Benefits of repurposing content

There are some benefits to repurpose content. Let’s have a look at them.
- First and foremost, you will be saving a lot of your time in the content creation process. As much of the things you are going to include exists already on the internet. You don’t have to start the whole content creation process all over again. But you just have to take what you already have and give it in the hands of more and more people.
- Getting an SEO boost is another benefit. You will get additional opportunities to target the desired keyword by producing multiple pieces of content around the same topic. And by taking your repurposed content out of your site, you will receive quality links back to your site.
- Another benefit is that you get to reach a new audience. It is possible that your original content could only reach to a specific audience. You can meet new audience by repurposing your content for different mediums. This will increase your reach and brand awareness as well.
- You get the chance to reinforce your message. It is important to convey your message multiple times to your audience before they actually decide to seal the deal.
8 Ways to repurpose content and gain more traffic
Now let’s see eight ways to repurpose content which will help you gain more traffic
1. Make new blog posts
Top notch content can spinoff more quality content, and the audience can benefit from both. In order to do this, you can make a list of posts you created in the past and break each item on the list into a post of its own. This will allow you to expand at length on different aspects of the original article, to flesh out things in more detail, and add additional information or tutorials etc. You can do the other way round too. By taking some of your old posts and converge them into a single summary post.
2. Revive old posts and publish again
There must be so many posts that you put out sometime in the past and some of the information given in the post did not age really well. Amazingly, this gives you the opportunity to revive those old posts. Maybe that time the post was 100 percent accurate but definitely some things change over time. Hence, you can update your old posts with the latest information and then republish them.
Modifying content is a straightforward process and you might only make a few changes in your post. Therefore, you can add a quick note at the end of the post about the origin of it. Some tips and tricks for modifying old content
- Use good, legal pictures for them.
- Rename the picture as SEO-friendly.
- Place the title of the post on the top of the image which will make it Pinterest and Twitter friendly.
- Make your headings bold and catchy and add spaces as well to make it easy to read.
3. Make a presentation
Another method of repurposing your content is by making a presentation for it. Presentation offers an easy to read recap of your original content. You can include stats, quotes, and actionable devices. After that you can share these presentations on platforms like SlideShare which will provide additional opportunities for engagement.
4. Repost on Quora
You may as of now have a plan to promote your content on the Big Four social networks—Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. But, did you think about Quora? The social answers site makes it simple to repurpose content either in answers to questions or as posts on Quora’s user blogs.
This can likewise work in reverse—your answers on Quora can turn into the seeds for blog posts on your website. For example, a Quora question-and-answer about “How to crack a job interview in the first attempt” can possibly become a full post on your blog.
5. Promote on social media again
An extraordinary aspect about discovering evergreen content is that you can share it today with almost same value as you did when it was first published. It may appear to be irrational to share a similar content to a similar audience; however we have discovered it to be effective for hitting individuals in different time zones, reaching new audience, and testing variations of headlines. A Research by Tom Tunguz showed that reposting can get 75% of the engagement of the first share.
6. Start a podcast series
Odds are that a section of your audience would prefer content they don’t want to read. In this sense, podcasts and videos could be perhaps the most significant repurposing methods since they open up an entirely different approach to connect with others. You may consider podcasting as a book on tape, or a blog on tape. That is a decent beginning point, however the best podcasts utilize unique content as a jumping off point for a bigger conversation.
7. Create an infographic
A step past the slidedeck is the infographic, a total synopsis of the content of your post in a visual outline. If you have a ton of information in your story, infographics are a super method to relate information or simply to break up an article into simply the significant points. Infographics improves the engagement level as well. Human mind process graphical or visual content more easily hence, infographics can be a great way to repurpose your content.
8. Create an e-book
Growing your current content into a e-book appears to be a sensible step in the content creation process, and it’s stunning how large number of excellent e-books started as blog posts. If you choose to make an e-book dependent on your blog posts, set aside the effort to enhance with extra data or research. Add photographs.
Make the e-book something that is worth the extra venture. When you have your e-book made, you can utilize this piece of content to grow a subscriber list or for an extra revenue stream. E-books have a standing as quality content that give readers incredible value. Utilize your e-book however you see fit—giveaway, prize, offer, or income.
Wrapping it up
Repurposing content can be a hotshot saver for content creators. It’s a super hack with benefits for SEO, reach, and substantially more. You may even discover value in thinking ahead to your repurposing options before you start another blog post or article. One story can lead to many bits of content. As long as you center around adding value to the original content, your repurposing efforts ought to be successful.
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