“Content is King” you all must have read or heard this famous quote of Bill Gates. And we are down for it. Content is an important aspect of marketing. We are immersed in a vast amount of content daily. Thousand of posts are being published everyday. So, how do we make sure that our content stands apart. By making sure that we don’t make the mistakes that everybody is doing. So what are some content marketing mistakes that you must avoid in order to stand out from the rest? This article is all about that.
Let’s jump right into it
6 Content Marketing mistakes to avoid

Here are listed six content marketing mistakes that you should avoid. Let’s take a look at each one of them
1. Less valuable content
People like to see content that is valuable. Of course quantity is also important but the quality matters more. Providing valuable content to the user will enhance your credibility. The content should provide them some knowledge and valuable information. So make sure that
- You put out original and authentic content.
- It should be interesting and not dull.
- It should be engaging as well. To make your content engaging you can add infographics, relevant images, animations, short video clips and GIFs as well. But keep in mind all of these additional stuff should be relevant to the content.
2. Not paying attention to audience’s needs
If you are putting out content just for the sake of it then it will not help your site and business in any way. Ignoring audience’s needs is one of the biggest mistake you can do as a marketer. Before starting with your content marketing strategies you need do a thorough research on your part.
What you need to do is
- You need to research the needs and preferences of the audience thoroughly and then provide them the content they are looking for.
- Connect with your audience on social media. Ask for their feedback and answer their queries as well. You can create polls on social media.
- Work on the suggestions and problems encountered by them mentioned in the feedback. This will help you build a section of loyal audience.
3. Not promoting your content enough
Fine, your content is great and original. But if you aren’t promoting it then the originality and greatness of the content would not be able to produce good results. So, you need to work on the SEO of the content as well. SEO is the technique to draw organic traffic on to your site. So, great content plus effective SEO will gather traffic on your site. These factors altogether will improve your site’s ranking. Promotion is an essential part of any marketing strategy. You need to make sure that your content is reaching your audience and that they are not facing any issue while searching for your site.
Related article: 7 simple methods to create SEO content strategy
4. Content is Not Mobile friendly
This is another important thing to keep in mind because it is overlooked by many content marketers. They produce and optimize content for the desktop users very well but they ignore the mobile phone users. The fact that smartphone users are more in numbers than desktop users, you can’t afford to overlook such a huge audience. They need to be on your priority list. So, you have to ensure that your content is well optimized for the mobile version of your site. It is clearly visible and accessible on the mobile phone. Also, make sure that the mobile version is responsive and the site loads quickly.
5. Change is constant in the content marketing
Time sensitive content is difficult to manage because it needs regular updations. So, to counter this you can produce content that is not influenced by time. It remains the same even after few years and the new audience can find it relevant and relatable. You can do this by
- Putting out content that is timeless and evergreen. That doesn’t need changes over time.
- Create it in such a way that audience of various age groups and demographics can find it useful.
- It should make the user feel like they can come back to it anytime because it will stay relevant even after years.
- Even if you are producing a content that needs changes then you need to keep track of all those types of content. And it is required to update them whenever needed.
6. Your content should be a mirror to your brand
Every brand has a different background, different values and policies. So your content should reflect that. Again, it can be done by producing authentic content where you can show the values of your brand through your writing. Every writer has a different style of writing. Your writing should be able to make a place in the audience’s mind and heart.
- The content must be unique and original.
- Don’t beat around the bush. People don’t like that. Try to convey the message in a straight forward way.
- Don’t get off-track from your main theme. Always stick to the core of your theme.
- You can give an informal touch to your content. It will make your content more engaging. Make your content more relatable and engaging by directly addressing the audience and having a conversation with them.
- Don’t use complicated language which not everybody can understand. The language should be easy to understand. Otherwise the important information will get lost among the complex words.
To wrap up
As somebody who is into content marketing you need to understand and avoid the above mentioned mistakes. You can’t just go all out there without any proper planning and strategy. Make a proper plan, design a strategy and avoid these content marketing mistakes.
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