If you are looking for an alternative to your marketing strategy then you can try Video Marketing. it is a great form of Digital Marketing as videos capture the attention of the audience and it is more engaging than other kinds of content. But to make your Video marketing successful, you must know how to create videos and in this article I am going to discuss eight types of videos that you can use for your Video Marketing strategy.
Producing high quality, professional videos is vital to promote your business in a dynamic way. Besides that you can leverage your brands in places where images and text cannot go like YouTube. A lot of work goes in to production of videos but if you create professional-quality videos then you can witness a significant progress in your business.
Now, let’s see the eight video types that you can use for Video Marketing
Let’s jump right in
8 Video types you can use for Video Marketing

1. Social content videos
These are short videos created for social media platforms like for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. They have delightful shots of your product, they additionally incorporate lifestyle shots with your products. They are created to be engaging, fun and playful. Keep them restricted to 30 seconds.
You can utilize tools to make them more innovative and engaging. You can add aspects that are unique to social media like muted auto-play and video looping. These videos can likewise feature reviews and customers feedback which will upgrade your brand credibility.
2. The explainer
If your business offers a service or good that isn’t promptly understood, an explainer video on your homepage or a landing page might be exactly what you need. These videos typically feature animation with a voiceover that clarifies what your business offers for the audience. They don’t have to be animated. Time lapses of illustrations, a live-action recording, or any other visual way of telling your story are equally suitable.
3. The commercials
This is the most well-known and a very old type of video used for marketing. You probably have seen tons of commercials on TV even when the internet wasn’t around or wasn’t much popular. These are usually more detailed and eye catching exhibiting your product and closures with a clear Call to Action.
They can be between 30 seconds to one minute long. Ensure they provide the relevant information to the new clients. They are usually more catchy and appealing. People do not forget these sort of commercials. They have beautiful and appealing jingles which people can’t easily forget. They are distributed via paid advertising on TV or on online platform also.
4. Product demonstration
The purpose a product demonstration video is to flaunt your product or service to your audience. It differs from an explainer in that you’re not explaining how the product works, but rather showing off its features, perks and benefits. Product demonstration videos typically feature a charismatic host that speaks passionately about the product, but animated videos work well, too. Don’t be afraid to get creative with product demonstration videos! Some of the best product demonstrations show off the brand in ridiculously hyperbolic ways, like this insane Zoom lens from Canon.
5. BTS (Behind-The-Scenes) Video
If you have an interesting process behind the development, manufacturing, or distribution of your good or service, show it! Your audience will love to see the craftsmanship that goes into what you make. This is especially great for artisans of all sorts. Show how you hand craft each individual product or how you source your ingredients. The more you can involve your customers in your process, the more invested they will be in your product or service.
6. Testimony of customers
A great way to attract new business is to have existing customers sell your brand for you. When potential customers see how enthused and passionate your existing customers are, they’re likely to imagine that they’ll have the same experience. Have an existing customer on camera rave about how much they swear by your product or service.
Show that customer using the product or telling a monumental story about how they couldn’t have done it without you. That’s what will excite new customers about your brand. And of course, including your best customers is the perfect way to show how much you appreciate them!
7. Company Culture video
Company culture videos have two unique purposes. First, they highlight the ethos of your company to potential customers. The intention here isn’t to sell a product or service, but to market your brand as a whole. Second, culture videos are great for attracting new talent. Sometimes you need to market your brand not to new customers, but to potential new employees, which can be essential for growing your business. One of the best ways to do this is to capture your most passionate employees on camera.
8. Mini-Doc
Mini Documentaries are less about your brand’s visual aesthetics and focus more on expressing your company’s core value or mission statement in a documentary-style format. This is usually accomplished through interviews with key company representatives, like founders, employees, or satisfied customers. To make a big impression, it’s important your mini-doc keeps it short and sweet. You want to highlight excellent sound bites that tell viewers exactly who you are, all while maintaining their attention.
While feature-length documentaries have enough time to develop a full, three-act story, mini-docs don’t. They have to establish their story by quickly answering three crucial questions: what, why, and how. What is the focus of this video? Why should the viewer care about this? How does your subject work? This helps you get key pieces of information to your audience in a fun and interesting way.
We usually recommend keeping mini-docs to under a minute, though they can be a little bit longer. Unfortunately, viewer attention span drops dramatically after the minute-mark, so try to tell your story story as best you can in the time you have.
Summing up
Marketing through videos is growing at an exceptional rate. Now a days brands are focusing and investing in the video production process so that their marketing strategy get successful. All the above mentioned video types are very productive and helpful in promoting a business.
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