Who does not want their website to rank at the top of search engine results page? Definitely not you. In order to get good ranks you need to implement the right search engine optimization techniques. But many a times people don’t follow the legit SEO tactics and face Google’s penalization. In today’s article, I will be talking about how you can make sure that Google does not penalize your blog.

Let’s dig right in

If you can rank your website on the competitive keywords, you can draw a whole lot of traffic to your website. However, by following illegal practices you can lose the traffic and hence, ranking quickly. SEO of website yields better results if you follow the right practices. You need to make sure your optimization is under Google’s guidelines and recommendation. This is because your blog can get penalized if you don’t follow the rules and guidelines. Stop following 9 Shady Practices to Avoid Deindexing by Google

Now, let’s talk about some methods which will help you in preventing your website from getting penalized by Google.

Methods to Make Sure Google Does Not Penalize your Blog

Google Does Not Penalize blog

No website owner would want Google to penalize their blog. Avoiding penalties and staying in the top rank is not difficult if only you follow the right practices. Below I have compiled some methods that will prevent Google form penalizing your website or blog

Let’s take a look at them

✅ Quality content

Duplicacy and irrelevancy in content is the two most common reasons forces Google to penalize a particular blog. So, if you want Google to not penalize your blog you have to publish quality and original content. It is equally important that your content must be informative and valuable. You should incorporate all the important details in the content so that your visitor does not have to go to another blog to read about the same topic. Hence, this is the first thing that you need to take care of in order to avoid penalization by Google. Not sure how to start content marketing, Digital Marketing Company in Gurgaon will help you out.

✅ Keep yourself away from guest blogging for backlinks

Guest blogging is an effective way of building customers, brand image, and other related things. But, if you are doing guest blogging just for the sake of getting backlinks then you should stop doing it as soon as possible. This is because guest blogging in the past few years has been considered spammy and also a source of irrelevant backlinks. Google penalizes the blogs who uses guest blogging for getting backlinks for their website. You should make sure that you do not use other bio links in your profile.

✅ Getting backlinks from reputed domain

Google has changed a lot in terms of how it values a backlink for a particular profile. Page rank is no longer as important as it used to be before. These days relevancy of your linking domain and its authority is much more important for your website. Those website that get backlinks from irrelevant websites are most likely to be penalized by the Google. So you have to make sure where you are getting your backlinks from. Here are Reasons You Need to Focus on Internal Linking

✅ Stay away from low quality links

There is a high chance of Google penalizing your site if you have a huge amount of low quality links. In order to prevent this situation you have to monitor your website regularly and remove the low quality links from your website. Use Google Webmaster tools to clean these links.

✅ Responsive website design

The most important factor that Google considers while ranking websites is the quality of user experience the site provides. If your site does not give a good user experience to the visitors then Google might not rank your site high in the SERPs. Poor user experience happens when your website is not fast and not responsive. If your visitors have to wait long for your website to respond then you will see a great decrease in your website’s traffic as well as reduction in ranking.

Another important point is whether your website is mobile friendly or not. If it is not mobile-friendly, then you might see that your site will not get higher rank in search results. Therefore, you need to make sure that your site is responsive on web as well as on mobile. This will give a good user experience to your visitors which will draw traffic and ultimately improve your site’s Google ranking.

Wrapping it up

The main aim of Google is provide quality user experience to its users. If your site is able to do that, you will get good traffic and high ranking. If you are able to provide quality content, responsive website, quality backlinks then you can keep your site away from Google penalization.

For professional SEO services, consider hiring Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai.  

Apoorva : I am a writing geek and a bookaholic who is exploring different genres of writing. Currently writing about Information technology, digital Marketing, SEO, latest technology & marketing trends. I am always curious to learn new things so I can enhance my knowledge. I like to maintain authenticity and originality in my writing. I assure my readers that I will try my best to produce the finest content for them.