If you ask me which is the best place for finding what is trending all around the world, I will name one place GOOGLE TRENDS. This is the best tool which you can use to identify latest and existing trends in search marketing. This will help you to update your marketing strategy according to the latest trends. In this article, I will be talking about Google Trends and how you can smartly utilize Google Trends in your marketing strategy?
Let’s dig right in
What is Google Trends?

Let’s start with the basics first. So, what is Google Trends? It is an amazing tool that helps marketers identify what is trending across the world in different industries. This will tell you what topics are trending and how you can use those trends to draw the attention of your selected audience.
So, how you can take advantage of it? Well, you can see what topic is trending through Google Trends and then you can create content around the same topic which will help you draw the related audience. This is a great tool to increase your audience base as well as in enhancing your brand awareness using the trending topics.
Are you curious to know how you can smartly utilize Google Trends in marketing? Well, let me tell you how
Utilize Google Trends in marketing using these tips
Let’s take a look at some actionable and useful tips for utilizing Google Trends in your marketing strategy
✅ Get some ideas for blogs
Trending topics are what can make your brand popular. Google Trends is the best way you can find what topics are trending. This will tell you what you should write next which will attract a lot of people. By producing content related to topics that is trending you can gather more audience which will help your site rank well on SERPs. However, you need to also ensure that the trending topic on which you will put out content must be relevant to your audience at the time you publish it.
✅ Get some ideas for social media campaigns
Not only you can use these trending topics for organic search marketing but you can also use them for social media as well. Most brands struggle with generating interesting content and building a large user base. But, with the help of Google Trends you can put out interesting content which will help you in building a large following. You can also use the related queries section to identify trending topics and build creatives and copy around that. So, it is high time you should start utilizing Google Trends for social media campaigns.
✅ Improve SEO
Organic search is one area where you can use Google Trends. It will also help you with Keyword research. You can use it to identify relevant keywords. This will help you in improving your SEO strategy. You can check whether a keyword will be helpful in creating evergreen content or not. This can fuel your marketing strategy and it will help you to prepare for the marketing strategy well in advance.
✅ Helpful in finding long-tail keywords for paid campaigns
If you want to get successful in your marketing strategy you need to find the right keywords for paid campaigns. This is important from a financial standpoint as well because you can start capitalizing on the paid ads as soon as you find the right keywords. Grow your Startup with Citiesagencies Marketing Strategy
✅ Use trending topics for different content types
Besides using trending topics for putting out content, you can also utilize these trending topics for producing different types of content. For instance, you can use these trending topics to produce videos or you can use them for your webinars or podcasts. You can reach the right people by utilizing these trending topics through your webinar and podcasts. This tool lays it all on the line for you to start speaking their language. There should be no need to take chances between proper keyword research and Google Trends.
The bottom line
Identifying important trends for every marketer out there is really crucial. Regardless of the industry you are working in, your target audience is always searching for things on Google and you need to identify them for your own profit. Google Trends will be an excellent tool for you to accomplish that. So, start utilizing this exceptional tool!
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