Are you looking for ways to boost your LinkedIn engagement? Then this article is for you.
In recent time, LinkedIn has grown from being a place to give and seek jobs to a place of social networking. LinkedIn can very well be utilized to expand personal and business’ network. You can earn website traffic and increase your brand awareness by using LinkedIn effectively. If only you use LinkedIn the right way, you can enhance your brand image and business presence. It can be a value addition to your Digital Marketing strategy. In today’s article I am going to tell you some ways you can boost your LinkedIn engagement.
Let’s dig right in
Ways to boost LinkedIn engagement

➨ Craft compelling content
Good-quality content is vital for every business. No significant progress can be made without creating authentic and valuable content. Content plays a crucial role on LinkedIn as well. Infact, LinkedIn is the place for creating and sharing valuable content that adds some value to the lives of the people. The best content will accomplish three things
- Content clearly communicating your brand story and value
- Showing up in the search results by using relevant keywords
- Adding value to users lives and knowledge
➨ Optimize your LinkedIn posts
Another factor capable of boosting the engagement. You can create three types of content on LinkedIn and they are, Texts, images and videos. Though LinkedIn allows audio-visual content on its platform, textual content still outperforms other forms of content. You can optimize your posts by formatting the posts, by using shorter sentences, maintaining spacing and by using emojis to break up the posts. One trick here is to not add the external link in the post rather it is better to add the link in the first comment of the post. It has been found that posts that does not have any external link in it and place the link in the first comment of the post gets more views.
➨ Optimize your LinkedIn for mobile phones
This is one of the most important part of every website’s SEO. Optimizing your profile for mobile devices is very important as majority of the users of LinkedIn access the platform through LinkedIn app. If your LinkedIn profile is not mobile friendly then your audience won’t be able to engage with your content and hence you will lose them. You have to make sure that your profile is clearly visible and readable on the mobile phone and the images and videos are well optimized too. Mobile-friendly LinkedIn definitely boost the engagement.
➨ Add a clear Call to Action (CTA)
Call to Action not only help to boost your engagement but it also boosts your reach to the audience. So, you can put a clear and compelling Call to Action, better usually at the end of the post in a form of question. Some common Call to Actions used are, “let me know in the comment below if you agree with it” or “leave a comment below if you agree” and more. This tactic boost the engagement because it starts a dynamic conversation with your audience. In addition to that, when a user sees or comments on your post, LinkedIn shows that post to some of their connections which increases your reach and brand awareness. Hence, by adding a clear, precise and compelling Call to Action, you can boost your LinkedIn engagement.
➨ Start talking to your audience
This is one of the most important factor when we talk about boosting the engagement with audience. When your users are taking out their time to comment on your posts you must respond to them. Never ignore their responses. This platform is providing the best way to connect with your audience, you should totally utilize it. Start conversing with your audience through comments and replies. This will help build a personal connection with them. This interaction with the audience significantly boosts the engagement.
Related article: How you should start with LinkedIn Marketing?
Wrapping it up
If you already have LinkedIn presence, these tips can boost your engagement profoundly. By boosting the engagement you get the opportunity to enhance your brand loyalty and brand awareness. LinkedIn has given you such a productive platform to network with other business, customers and your followers, use it judiciously.
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