As you must be aware of the fact that the competition in the field of content marketing is growing at a rapid rate. In that case, how does one make sure that their content stands out. Content marketing is an integral part of every digital marketing strategy. Marketers are trying to make their content marketing strategy successful. However, sometimes due to lack of experience their marketing strategy fails. Besides that, there are many not-so-popular content marketing strategies that go unnoticed but are really strong. In this article, I am going to discuss about seven unpopular content marketing strategies which you can use to make your content marketing successful.
Let’s jump right in
7 Unpopular Content marketing strategies

Below are mentioned 7 unpopular content marketing strategies you can use
1. Carry out a competitor analysis
In content marketing field, it is very important to know your competitor. This analysis is not an option these days. It is important to know exactly what your competitor is doing and then find ways to outrun them. The analysis results should be integrated into your marketing strategy because this can improve many aspects of your marketing such as leads generation, brand awareness, conversion rate, and overall online presence.
You can use automated tools to find out what your competitors are doing like where they are getting backlinks and how many quality links they have. You have to find out your strongest competitor. This can be done by doing a keyword research to check which websites are completing with you. You can dig deeper into finding out which particular keyword you are competing for.
Read also: What are some advanced strategies for content promotion?
2. Curate content like a pro
You can find the best content on the Internet. In content marketing, you do not always need to create fresh content because there are other people who are writing great content. This is content curation. Content curation allows you to find the best content and put it together in one place. Your aim is to bring people the best content, it does not mean you have to write it. You can use content curation to engage your audience as long as you are crediting the content owner. This will help you to solve the pain points of your audience.
This strategy is a great way to add to your content production but it is important to consider what businesses you are linking to. You have to ensure that you are only sending the highest quality and valuable information to your audience.
Content curation will help you to drive more traffic and leads. Make sure that you are curating content from authoritative and quality websites. The content you are curating must be relevant to the topic as well as to your audience. You can also get in touch with the bloggers whose content you have curated and inform them, they may share your content if they believe their target audience will benefit from it
3. Make the maximum out of your content
Apart from social media, you have to share your content frequently across other platforms as well. There are many platforms like YouTube, slide share etc. which you can use to share your content. You have to make sure your content go to everywhere your audience is. Content re-purposing is the need of the hour. This tactic helps you to make the most out of your content by using it in different format.
For instance, you can convert your article in a PDF format and put it out as an e-book. You can also produce your content in the form of a PowerPoint presentation and then upload it to slide share. But you have to be very careful while re-purposing your content because only high quality content will be able to produce measurable results. Hence you have to make sure that you are using high quality content only.
4. Feature testimony of your users
It is a fact that new customers like to see the experience of other people with a product they are interested in. That is why testimonials on the landing page are so powerful for an E-commerce business. You can also request your customers to share their experience with your product and then share it on various platforms so that your audience can see it so it may help them in making the decision to purchase your product. By sharing these compelling stories you can inspire your first time customers to become your permanent customers.
5. User-generated content
This is a very effective marketing strategy. This saves companies time and money. When customers create content for the brand it helps the brand to enhance their brand awareness, online presence, brand recognition and improve the overall marketing efforts. You can request your followers to create and share content for your brand. Then you can share their content on your social media, website and various other platforms. By distributing compelling content you will see an improvement in your content marketing strategy.
5. Create educational content for your customers
Your customers are many times interested in knowing how your product works. Though it depends on your target market but your audience is always interested in learning more about how a particular device functions. By knowing things that their friends don’t know makes them look smart, and they will most probably share their newfound knowledge.
For instance, if you are selling electronic devices you can create a blog where you can discuss what electronic products you should look for when making a purchase, what to watch out for, how electronics work, and how amazing they are. This works the best when you teach people about a certain product or industry when there are not a lot of people teaching them about the same.
7. Share your behind-the-scenes experience
Behind-the-scenes videos are trending these days. If you want to boost your website traffic and attract a loyal audience you should start sharing behind-the-scenes experiences. For example, if you are about to put out a new article next week, share the process of writing before you publish it. By giving a little information about your product through behind-the-scenes content, the customers will be looking forward for its launch.
Before they buy the product they will share the page, cite it in their blog post, recommend it to others on their social media platform and follow the updates. This will enhance referral traffic on the page which will improve the search performance.
Wrapping it up
In order to make your content marketing strategy successful you have to follow the above mentioned unpopular content marketing tactics religiously. Another important thing is to be persistent and patient because these tactics do not produce magical results immediately so you have to be patient while putting all your efforts in it. If you need professional help to create an effective and powerful content marketing strategy you can consider hiring digital marketing agency in New Delhi.
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