Are you looking for some legit link building tactics to improve your backlink’s profile while improving the search experience and creating a healthy backlink ecosystem altogether? Then you are not alone. As Digital marketers and SEO experts, links are something that we can’t ignore. I mean you can love them or hate them but you can surely not overlook them. In today’s article I am going to recommend some methods you can use to earn high-quality links organically.
Before going into that let’s first take a look at the benefits of organic link building or natural link building.
Let’s jump right in
Benefits of organic links
Organic link building is the process of attracting links from other quality websites through various ways such as guest posts, outreach etc. This process is very efficient because you are earning natural links without having to go and generate them yourself. There are many benefits of organic links such as
- One of the main benefits of earning natural links is to get better ranking at the search engine results page. As you must be aware of the fact that high quality backlinks helps site get higher ranking.
- Second benefit is more organic traffic to the website. High-quality backlinks help website draw more traffic to the website. These two are co-related because when you are able to draw good traffic to your website your ranking will eventually improve.
- Combining the above two i.e. getting good traffic coupled with higher ranking at SERPs will together enhance the brand’s visibility and brand awareness at the search engine.
- Natural link building can pay off more than just the above mentioned benefits for instance, it helps in increasing the social shares, enhances the recognition of the brand in the industry and more.
Now let me tell you some tactics that you can use to earn high-quality links organically
Methods to earn high-quality links organically

So can you earn quality natural links just by sitting and waiting for links to start pouring in? Short answer is No. Long answer says you have to do something unique and extra to make your website worth linking to. Websites with great content and perfect marketing strategy is the most preferred to link to. If your website is not visible to others on the web then no one will like to link to your site.
By following the below mentioned methods you can make your website worthy of getting natural backlinks.
Let’s take a look at them
✅ Social media
I think social media now sits at the center of every Digital Marketing strategy. Without social media each marketing strategy is incomplete. And why not, social media is such a humongous place with over 4 Billion users all around the world. Brands cannot overlook this goldmine.
How social media helps you earn links organically?
If you have your personal and business profiles on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. then you have a great opportunity to promote your website link. For instance, Twitter gives you the opportunity to include links in the web and bio. Similarly, LinkedIn also gives you the chance to include three links within your profile. This practice will generate traffic and effective leads for your brand which will eventually enhance your content’s visibility. And when you share high-quality, engaging content on your social media it may entice other website owners to link to your content.
✅ Resource pages
Taking forward our quality content role, resource pages are like the reservoir of high value resources like PDFs, valuable guides on various topics and subjects, downloadables, tools and interviews that helps the people in some or the other way. Mostly, sites limit their resources to individual blog posts, but if you are able to build a more robust resource hub, you may see other industry sites linking to you.
This is because they will know that their audience can find whatever information they are looking for at one place. This works best when you use the right targeted keywords like “How to..” “..Guide” “Simple tips..” “powerful tactics..” and so on and so forth. These keywords attract the audience and make them believe that you are providing them with the correct and complete information.
✅ Content marketing
When it is comes to getting authoritative links, “content marketing” is a no brainer. Every marketer is aware of the importance of content marketing not just to search engine optimization but to natural link building as well. This is because the quality of the content decides whether the other website owner would want to link to your content or not. This is the basic foundation of link building; creating content worth linking to. Two ways you can make your content worth linking to
- Putting out quality, valuable content that is useful for readers.
- Marketing that content strategically and effectively.
When these two steps are followed, you will be able to attract links from quality, authoritative sites especially when you are able to rank your content with SEO. When your content ranks higher at the SERPs routinely, it becomes the preferred choice for website to link to it.
✅ Quora
If you want to earn quality links organically, Quora is your go-to place. It is basically a question and answer site where people posts their questions and answer other people’s questions as well. Here, you can find people from all walks of life. From students to teachers, from amateurs to experts and from high ranked officers to scientists. This is the place of sharing one’s knowledge. This place also provides the opportunity to content marketers to earn natural backlinks.
By providing expertise on a particular question related to your industry and within that contextually you can link to a valuable resource provided it should be relevant and related. Never add any link in any random and irrelevant post. Also, don’t overdo your post with too many links as it will not look genuine and will only look spammy.
Reddit is another platform much similar to Quora. It is also a place to seek and spread knowledge. Here also, you get the opportunity to provide your answers to specific questions within which you can smartly and contextually include a link to your content. If your linked resources are actually worth reading you will observe an increament in your website’s traffic and ranking as well. Besides that, people tend to share content they find useful and worthy of reading. Hence, you should create your Reddit account as soon as possible and start offering expertise to earn natural links.
✅ Editorial links
This method earns you probably the most authoritative and legitimate link because it involve a feature in a popular and major publication. But it is not easy to earn an editorial link. You can do that only by creating great, authentic content with an amazing marketing strategy. One way by which you can do that is by putting out quality content on latest news and trends. Famous authority sites prefer sites with fresh, expert-generated resources.
In order to do that you have to constantly keep an eye out on the trends and latest events happening worldwide. You can check Google trends, Bing trends, Twitter trends and trends from other popular online platforms. Then you can write a quality copy on that particular trending topic and share it on various platforms across the internet to generate some momentum. The sooner you put out content on latest trends, higher will be the chances for your content to rank high organically which will stimulate authority sites to link to your content.
Wrapping it up
There are so many more ways to earn natural links than just guest posting, reaching out to websites etc. now you can earn links organically but it will take a lot of effort. You have to put in lot of effort in creating high-quality, valuable content and then you have to devise an effective marketing strategy to promote the content across multiple platforms so that it get some speed which will enhance its visibility at the SERPs. Hence, you have to come out of the traditional methods and try the methods that produce as good results as the traditional methods did.
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