With regards to writing for a blog, you would prefer not to keep the great stuff all to yourself. Guest blog is an incredible method to build your online brand presence and authority. The essential objective is to discover a blog whose audience will be keen on your brand, and make an incredible piece of content for that blog.
Notice I said incredible piece of content. I would go to such an extreme as to say that the content you make for another website’s blog should be even better than the content you make for your own website. You need the content you make for another blog to do great. You need that content to create additional social shares, comments, and traffic for the blog owner.
As you make guest posts for other people, make sure to save the links to those guest posts for future reference. As you approach new blogs that you might want to guest post upon, you will need to include those links as instances of your successful guest posts somewhere else. If you can persuade the blog owner that your post will be an ideal fit for their audience. And will drive huge traffic and reaction, the blog owner will have a hard time saying no.
In today’s article, I will be telling you all how to write guest blog for others.
Let’s jump right in
How to Write Guest Blog for Others?

✅ Look for the best blogs to guest post upon
With regards to sites you need to get a guest post on, you will probably find those whose audience would be interested in your brand. The blog should get a lot of traffic and social shares also. There’s no motivation to post on a blog that has no visitors just because it has high PageRank or some other models. You need to get some brand exposure out of this!
Read also: Tactics to incorporate Longtail keywords in blog
✅ Check the blog’s guest blogging policy
Each and every blog that allows guest bloggers or outside contributors, the blog must have some post or page on their website that describes their guest blog policy. If you are unable to find it easily on their site’s navigation or search box. You can try googling site:blogurl.com guest post which should produce the website’s guest blog page or the page that accepts the guest posts from others. If you find their guest blog policy, read it carefully and note down the important points, criteria etc.
✅ Try to build a relationship with the blog owner first
Since you’ve discovered the blog you need to test out an idea to, don’t simply hop in and pitch them yet. Start by becoming more acquainted with the blog owner first by following them on Twitter and their Facebook fan page. Comments on some of their most recent posts – make those comments significant to enhance conversation and show your writing abilities and expertise in the business. Tweet their posts using their Twitter handle and like and comment on the post on the Facebook fan page. Do this for no less than possibly 14 days prior to pitching content to them.
✅ Research and think of great topic ideas
Try not to make the content first and afterward try to find it a home. Whenever you’ve found the right sites and begun engaging with the blogs themselves, you’ll figure out the kind of content they publish.
To find out about what content is effective for each blog,
- Subscribe to them in your Google Reader and (utilizing Google Chrome) add the PostRank Extension. Then, you will be able to see the site’s most recent posts and their social engagement scores. The higher score, the more comments, tweets, Facebook likes, and other social shares the post got.
- Utilize these high-scoring posts as a marker regarding what content excels on each blog.
- Presently you can make a personalized (ie. get the name of the blog owner – don’t address them as webmaster, blogger, or some other conventional tag) email saying that you have recently enjoyed in reading their blog (as confirmed by your commenting and social sharing) and might want to contribute their website as a guest blogger.
- Subsequent to reading their guest post guidelines, you might want to check whether they would be interested on the following topics.
- Then, add three to four extraordinary post ideas that you think will fit their audience to choose from.
- And, obviously, if you’ve done guest posts somewhere else, include some of your best links. If not, simply include some incredible links from your own brand’s blog.
✅ Write top notch content
After you get a go-ahead of the blogger, now you need to put in your efforts to create a top notch content. You have to make sure that it fits the guest posting guidelines you found earlier and that it has the overall feel/ tone of the blog you are submitting to. Also don’t forget to add relevant links throughout your blog post- not to your own properties, but internal links to the blog itself. This lets the blog owner know that you are giving your 100 percent for them and their audience and not just trying to promote yourself. Your self-promotion should be included at the end of the post with your guest bio.
✅ Promote your guest post after it goes live
It’s not finished at this point. After that guest post goes live, you should give it your unconditional support by sharing with your brand’s audience on Twitter, Facebook, and so forth just as stopping by to respond to comments. That sort of respond on your guest post will additionally help your brand’s reputation as an incredible guest blogger as well as a expert in your niche.
Wrapping it up
Guest blogging is a sure shot way to increase the engagement and traffic. By writing for the right blog, you can establish yourself as a confident authority in your niche. Guest blogs will also help to improve your own site’s engagement and traffic as well by including the links of guest blogs in posts of your own blog.
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