There are over 300 million monthly active users on Twitter, which means it’s a stage brimming with potential when it comes to lead generation.
Shockingly, it tends to be difficult to tell how to discover leads effectively on Twitter—except if you realize how to utilize Twitter’s advanced search engines. That is the reason I will be telling you what advanced search queries are and how to utilize them to help generate more leads.
Twitter’s Advanced Search function permits you to limit your searches to decisively the sort of user you need, including area, interests, and more. You can even discover users who are discussing your brand without tagging (or @ing) you.
Odds are, you have effectively utilized Twitter’s search panel on the right-hand side of your desktop screen or the magnifying glass symbol at the lower part of your mobile screen to look for basic things like hashtags and users.
7 Ways to use Twitter’s Advanced Search to generate more leads

There are a large number of reasons you might need to utilize advanced search function in Twitter. The manner in which you perform the search relies upon what information you are looking for. Let’s take a look at seven ways to use Twitter’s advanced search option in order to generate more leads.
1. Utilize Twitter’s Advanced Search Functions by means of the Search Bar
You can see tweets from individuals or companies in any area with a specific expression you can consider with Twitter Advanced Search. It’s slightly more muddled than the normal search option. Presently, you can just access Twitter’s advanced search tool on their desktop website or web application, not the real Twitter application on your phone or tablet. The following a few ideas can be utilized on the application or site, however, the desktop advanced search function is simpler, and we recommend going that way if possible.
2. Search Twitter by Sentiment
Sentiment searches can help you to get an understanding what keywords individuals use and why they use them by means of a basic type of natural language processing (NLP). Such searches are by and large categorized as positive, negative, and neutral. Knowing both what and why individuals search can help you sort out what your potential customers need. You can buy programs to run total NLP analysis on Twitter, however you can do this all alone partially. First off, look for cheerful or sad faces and punctuation combined with your picked keywords.
Make certain to read the context of each tweet, though, because sentiment filters depend on context. Indeed, even with the less applicable outcomes actually included, sentiment search limits things down a piece and could be an incredible method to discover users searching for answers or suggestions. If you can address your questions, showing your brand’s position, you could end up with another lead.
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3. Use location filters
Discover tweets in any nation or city with geolocation filters. That way, you’ll have the option to get rid of the tweets from distant spots. This is significant in case you’re a small local business since you can target leads directly in your area.
Simply add ‘near:(city/nation)’ and ‘within:(X mi)’ to discover tweets from a particular area around the world. The ‘near:’ addition filters through precisely where you need to see tweets from. The ‘within:’ addition allows you to pick the distance from that area you need to see tweets from. Basically, it makes a range around the city, country, or other district you explicit with the ‘near:’ filter.
For example, if you own a café in a specific area, you could discover any individual who’s searching for a spot to eat and send them to your business.
Sentiment searching can give you understanding into what individuals are saying to your competitors and getting some information about, as well. If you find that clients are unhappy with one of your competitor’s highlights, tweet back at them with important data about your service. You can jump into any discussion and add your opinions and answers to construct an engaging relationship with Twitter users.
4. Save Your Twitter Advanced Searches
Twitter allows you to save upwards of 25 searches for every account. That is a lot of searches to watch. To save a search, all you must do is click the three dots on the right-hand side of your search query. Then, at that point, select “+ Save search.” That way, you can watch out for people sharing your blog posts, mentioning you or your competitors, or tweeting about specific keywords.
5. Use Twitter Advanced Search to Exclude Irrelevant Results
Remove the search results you don’t need by utilizing the exclusion filter. All you must do is add the “- ” symbol before a keyword, filter, or Twitter user. For instance, if you want to figure out Twitter users who are talking about smartphones, but you don’t want to see tweets from a competitor (let’s say Samsung), just search for ‘smartphone’ -samsung. Getting refined outcomes truly can be that simple.
6. Make Hashtags and Search for Them
If you use hashtags accurately, you can construct your own filter for driving leads. Utilize only one hashtag at a given time, make sure it’s branded and imaginative, and add it to most of your posts. Perhaps the best branded hashtags was Redbull’s #PutACanOnIt: The hashtag became mainstream overall since it urged individuals to utilize Red Bull cans innovatively, snap a picture, and share it with the hashtag.
This not just permits your customers to do your marketing and product placement for you, however it also creates a branded hashtag you can look later to interact with Twitter users. Hashtags like this may encourage individuals who have never bought your products to buy them so they can take part in the fun. You don’t need to do advanced searches manually, though. Save yourself some time by allowing Twitter to accomplish the work for you.
7. Utilize the Advanced Search Function on the Web
As referenced, the actual advanced search function is just accessible on Twitter’s site, not the application. If you have a PC or access the site through your browser on your mobile phone, this technique can shorten the time you spend looking. Close to your search bar, you can see three dots. Click those dots, then, at that point pick “Advanced search.”
From that point, it will take you to a form where you can do a wide range of things. You need to look over multiple times to see every one of the accessible choices; that is the way how advanced this function has become. What appears on each scroll may shift a bit by your PC, however here is the thing that you can generally expect.
- The first screen shows the fundamentals: words to utilize, words to avoid, and hashtags to look.
- After your first scroll, you can pick a language, tweets to and from accounts, tweets mentioning accounts, and the top of the choices with respect to filtering answers.
- Your next scroll gives you extra alternatives in regards to replies, permits you to choose whether to incorporate links, and the measure of engagement you need a post to have had before you see it.
- Your last scroll permits you to pick the date ranges of the tweets you need to see. You can pick however many filters as you need, then, hit search.
Wrapping it up
There are a large number of users on Twitter, possibly making it an extraordinary place to generate leads. But, you must realize how to utilize advanced search options to discover them first. Advanced searches let you discover specific leads and construct relationships with by adding additional filters to Twitter search queries.
In case you’re on a mobile application, you do this by manual searches through the standard search function. In case you’re on a browser, try out their advanced search function in the entirety of its greatness. Make sure to connect with your potential leads personally and stay engaged with them over the long run.
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