The number of hacking incidents has been incessantly hiking worldwide. Both the government and private sector is affected from these hacking incidents. Hackers are targeting everyone, from small businesses to big social media giants like Twitter and Facebook. If you own an online business, you must be having a website which means you need to be cautious. These anonymous thieves are fast and invisible seeking out platforms like yours to steal data of customers and demand money in exchange of it. Thus, you have a legal obligation to protect your website from hackers in order to avoid any kind of data breach. This will also save you from destroying your reputation in the market. This article will talk about some strong methods which will help you protect your website from hackers
So, let’s just hop on
Strong Methods to Protect your Website from Hackers

Here are some strong methods to protect your website from hackers
✅ Stay up-to-date
Staying up-to-date is really important when you are trying to protect yourself from hacking. Just having a basic knowledge of what is hacking can help you protect your website against it. Use that information to put fresh precautions in place whenever required.
✅ Update everything
Updates do not come for free. Software companies have to pay a lot of money for that. They only do it when they feel the need to do it, still many people who use the software do not install updates immediately. If the cause of the update is a security vulnerability, delaying an update makes you vulnerable to attacks in the interim period. Hackers will scan thousands of website and will break in when they find vulnerabilities. Hence, updating software and your whole system is really important.
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✅ Install a firewall
If you are looking for the best method to secure your website from hackers then let me tell you the best method is installing a firewall. By using firewall, you will be able to prevent unauthorized traffic and malicious software from entering your network. This will act as the first line of defense and work well with other security measures to minimize the threat of hackers and other cybercrimes.
✅ Monitor activity of database
Monitoring database activity will give you a high-level view of your security system. A database activity monitor (DAM) observes, identifies, and reports on database activities. These monitoring tools utilize real-time security technology to monitor all actions across the database. Besides that, they can detect abnormal and unauthorized activity, internally and externally, while gauging the effectiveness of your existing security protocols.
✅ Get domain privacy
When you purchase your domain name, whether directly or through your website host, your details are put into an open, public database, and anyone can see them. This database will have such personal information as your name, address, email, and contact number. It leaves your personal details open to everyone, including hackers, spammers, and identity thieves to access. All domain registrars provide domain privacy services. This service will cost a small fee but has few benefits, making it great value for money. It will hide all of your personal details to become public without changing the domain’s actual ownership. It’s a simple and quick step to do but can make a vital difference between running a secure or insecure website.
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✅ Always use VPN
Usage of public Wi-Fi networks is very common as people are always on the move these days. However, the problem with using public Wi-Fi is that they offer zero security. One can say that using them to log into anything is basically inviting hackers to take a look at anything and anywhere you are. VPN comes to the rescue here. Using VPN will give you extra security and many other benefits as well. Not only it provides extra safety and security, but it also let you access content that is geo-restricted overseas. A good VPN will charge you a small monthly fee, but it will be worth the money as it offers security to your website from hackers.
✅ Restrict file uploads
File uploads are a serious concern. Regardless of how thoroughly the system checks them out, bugs can still make their way through and allow a hacker unlimited access to your website’s data. The perfect solution is to prevent direct access to any uploaded files. Store them outside the root directory and use a script to access them when required. Your web host will perhaps help you to set this up.
✅ Eliminate form auto-fill
You are leaving your website vulnerable to attack from hackers when you leave auto-fill enabled for forms on your website. You must never expose your website to attacks that utilize the laziness of a legitimate user.
✅ Backup your data
What is the simplest way to make sure you still have your data if some kind of hacking attack happens to your website? The answer to that question is by backing up your website. You can actually protect your website from threat of ransomware and malicious attacks by regularly recording and storing all of your website’s key files. Backing up also enables you to recover quickly if your server or hard drive fails. Having the files on hand allows you to be up and running again quickly without any problem.
✅ Use strong passwords
The importance of having a strong and secure password is well known in this day and age. Having easy to crack passwords invites hackers to your website. Still, many people are lazy enough to have easy passwords. Your password must be unique and strong enough to not be guessed by any person. Password must contain both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers. You can also use special characters like #, $, & etc.
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The bottom line
Hacking and cyber threats are expected in a world swept by internet. This means you need to be prepared as it can hurt your business deeply. Learning more about hacking and finding personalized solutions to prevent those cyber-attacks can go a long way in keeping your business- and customer information safe.
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