Did you know answering people’s questions can build up your professional company as an authority in your niche? This is very true and the platform where this becomes possible is Quora. You don’t need to be a high-level expert on a particular topic. If you have good knowledge about a particular topic you can make a presence for your brand on Quora. You can use Quora for business by following some tips and tricks which I will talk about in this blog post.
Let’s dig right in
Let’s start with the basics first.

Quora is a social media platform where people can ask and answer questions. So, this can be referred to as a question and answer social media platform. Founded in 2009, it houses 300 million monthly users. There are thousands of questions and answers that you can find on Quora. Quora is a great place for marketing as it has over 300 million users. You can use this platform to direct quality leads and traffic to your website. It is a perfect place to demonstrate your expertise and share content about your company, products or services.
Tips and tricks for Quora for business
Here is how you can utilize Quora for your business
✅ Search and follow topics of your niche
If you already have a profile on Quora, you should start searching and follow topics of your niche. In order to find the topics, you have to use the search box at the top and start typing in a keyword. You will get instant suggestions based on the keyword entered in the search box. You will see after you choose a topic page
- Quora spaces related to the topic
- Recent questions users have asked
- Related topics on the right-hand side bar
After that, click on the “follow topic” button, and you will get the latest activity for that topic on Quora home page newsfeed.
✅ Describe topic experience on your profile
Go back to your profile once you are done following the topics you are interested in. Then, click on the edit icon next to Credentials and highlights. Click on the “Add Credential” button and select “Topic”. Here, you have to describe your experience with each one of the topics you are following. You can also choose this credential to show when answering someone’s question. How SEO will Help Brands in 2022?
✅ Utilize Quora for customer service
You must remember that topics can be brand-based as well. You can use the search functionality to see if anyone is talking about your products or services. You’ll want to follow any topics particularly about your business so you can join the conversation whenever new questions about your products or services are asked. It is possible you can find potential sales opportunities as well, people will probably ask the difference between your products or services compared to others. Latest Social Media Updates in December 2021
✅ Submit questions and answers
After you follow your favorite topics, you can submit questions and answers. Adding questions to a question and answer network is an amazing way to find out more about your target market. Simply go to the suitable topic and click on the red “Add question” button on the top right-hand side of the page. When you start receiving the answers; show people your appreciation by giving them an “upvote” arrow button beneath the answer. In case you don’t get any answer, you can directly ask questions to other Quora members related to that particular topic. You have to click on “Ask a question” button which will appear beneath the profile pop-up.
If you have certain expertise regarding a particular topic, you can answer any question by clicking on a topic and selecting the “Answer” tab. There are various options like answering a question, pass it or downvote it. You can also share it on various social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
Wrapping it up
Quora is a great platform you can use for your business. You have to create a nice profile on Quora which will help people learn more about you. After that, follow topics in your niche or industry. Find and connect with people on Quora- you can ask them questions as well. Start asking and answering questions on Quora. For professional social media marketing help, you can get in touch with Digital Marketing Company Los Angeles.