Writing blogs can have many benefits for a website. Whether you want to improve the ranking of your site or engage visitors, blogs can be really helpful. And there are many other benefits that it provides. However, certain mistakes can make it difficult for you to achieve your blog writing goals. Hence, in this article, we will talk about the don’ts of blog writing you should keep in mind.
Blog writing is a key form of content marketing. It has many benefits for an online business. For one, it is essential for effective search engine optimization. Moreover, it helps with visitor inflow, audience engagement, and helps a business strengthen its credibility and trustworthiness.
Hence, engaging in blog writing is essential for the growth of an online business.
“But I already have a blog and it’s not helping!”
Is this what you’re thinking? It is as important to know what we shouldn’t do as it is to know what we should do. We have already talked about the important things to do in blog writing, so now in this article, we will talk about what you should avoid doing.

Keep these don’ts of blog writing in mind
# Don’t ramble
People come to the internet looking for short and quick answers to their questions. If you ramble in your blog and take too long to get to the point, you may not be able to retain readers and your website’s bounce rate may shoot up. Internet users generally don’t have to patience to look for answers in a rather long blogs. If they can’t locate the answers the quickest, they may just leave. Hence, make sure to be as precise as possible and strictly keep away from rambling.
# Avoid using difficult language
As I have already mentioned in the point above, people on the internet are looking for quick information. Using a difficult language can make your content complicated further making it time confusing to understand. And this will again lead to readers dropping your site altogether and moving to another.
# Keep from employing technical and industry jargons
People looking for information on a particular subject on the internet generally have little to no knowledge on that topic. Using technical and industry specific jargons that they don’t understand will only complicate your content for them which will make them look for easier information somewhere else. Hence, you should avoid using such jargon.
# Don’t be unprofessional
It’s true that blog writing requires a certain degree of in-formalism and friendliness. However, if you over do that, you may come across as unprofessional. There is a fine line between the two which you have to watch out for. The key is to strike the right balance between formalism and friendliness in the tone.
# Abstain from writing long paragraphs
Writing long paragraphs can bore your audience. As a result, they may just end up exiting your website. Hence, it is important to ensure that you avoid writing long paragraphs. It is best the divide long and heavy information in small and consumable points. This will make it easier for your audience to read them and they will engage for longer with your website.
# Don’t put quantity over quality
If you think that posting more will simply help you rank better on the search engines, you are mistaken. Search engines, like Google for one, are not looking for websites that post more content but for those that post quality content. Therefore, in blog writing, it is always important to keep the quality of the content over quantity. If producing quality content takes you longer, then give it all that time. It is more important than posting daily. And gradually, you will learn to manage both simultaneously.
# Steer clear from keyword-stuffing
Keywords are the cornerstone of search engine optimization being the linking medium between the target market and the businesses. Proper keyword placement is essential for businesses to rank high in search engines. However, search algorithms are smarter now. They can detect if you stuff keywords in your content unnecessarily. Hence, make sure to not do that and use keywords only naturally in your content.
# Avoid using difficult font designs and effects
You may think that a certain designer font may make your content look nicer. However, that is not necessarily so. In fact, in most cases, designer fonts can make it difficult to read your content. Hence, this is something you should avoid. The same goes for different font effects like bold, underline, italics, strikethrough, etc. Use them to only highlight very important information and terms only.
# Don’t be impatient
Building a blog takes time. It is not a one-time job or an overnight process. You have to give time and patience to it like any other marketing campaign. A single good blog can’t shoot up the number of your average visitors. Blogging is a time taking process. Hence, many give up on blogging very soon. So, if you really want to have a successful blog, be patient, consistently dedicated, and don’t give up.
In conclusion
So, here ends the list of things you must keep from if you want to have a successful blog. Blog writing can have immense marketing benefits if done correctly. With the help of the list given above, you can keep yourself from making common blog writing mistakes. And this will also eventually contribute in helping you have a successful digital marketing and SEO program.