The Question-and-answer platform Quora is one of the fastest growing platforms on the internet. It sees more than 300 million monthly users that take its estimated value to over $2 billion. Quora is the best platform when it comes to engaging potential customers, educate the audience, and raising brand awareness. However, there are some mistakes that marketers can make on this amazing platform which can prove to be disastrous for their marketing goals. Hence, in today’s article, I will be talking about some do’s and don’ts of Quora marketing that you must know.
Let’s jump right into it
Quora Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts you must know

Quora is a great platform to establish one’s authority by answering questions related to your industry or niche. This is a community where questions are asked as well as answered. There are many benefits of using Quora. First off, it enhances your visibility; it gives you exposure to about 300 million users. So, how you can ensure the success of your Quora marketing?
Do’s of Quora Marketing
Here are some Do’s of Quora Marketing
✅ Stick to what you know
It is important to focus on the audience as well as questions specific to your niche or industry. This will allow you to give insightful answers since you already exhibit significant knowledge in the specific field. You need to target specific niche of your expertise. You should give what you are good at. Whichever field you are expert in, you have to target questions related to that field or niche specifically. Doing so will enable you to put out valuable and quality information about a particular topic. This will make people not to press that downvote button on Quora.
✅ Be regular with your answers
When you know your area of expertise and your target audience, you need to ensure that you are answering the questions of your audience regularly. This is very important because by answering regularly you build a personal connection or relationship with your audience. Besides that, this is a great way of marketing on Quora. When you put out answers consistently, you can increase your reach to the target audience which will also help you in raising brand awareness.
✅ Be crystal clear
Make sure to be crystal clear in front of your audience on Quora. Being clear about who you are, and how your company provide solution to the audience is very significant in raising your brand’s profile. A genuine answer will always attract the audience rather than a spammy one.
✅ Insert links naturally
One thing that Quora is majorly used for- sharing links to websites or blogs. However, sharing links inorganically will not make your links successful. Thus, you should insert links naturally in your answers instead of adding a call to action link at the end of the answer. You must embed the links naturally in your answers. By placing a CTA at the end will not make people to visit your site as it will look very unnatural. Audience will visit your site using the embedded links in your post if they want to visit your site.
✅ Storytelling
A well-written response is a must while answering questions on Quora. People process stories faster than other kinds of content. So, you can use storytelling to create content. Include pictures, references, dialogues, quotes etc. to connect it to real life which will help people relating to your posts. This will increase the chances of your posts getting views and upvotes.
Don’ts of Quora Marketing
Just like do’s of Quora marketing, there are some don’ts as well
Let’s see the don’ts of Quora marketing
❌ Don’t overdo promotion
Of course one important reason of using Quora is to promote your brands and products. However, if your posts are all about self-promotion, you will not go a long way. This is because the audience is using Quora to get some valuable and genuine information. Posts that shamelessly promote themselves usually end up getting downvoted. People want real solutions to their problems and only when you give them some insightful information they will upvote your posts.
❌ Don’t be repetitive in answers
Copy-pasting the same answer and posting it multiple times will affect your brand’s profile negatively. Repetitiveness in your answers should be avoided at all cost. Some brands copy-paste the same response or sales pitch to several questions. This will not only increase the downvotes but your post also end up getting deleted as it will be classified as spamming.
So, every question should be answered accordingly what is being asked in the question. The answer should revolve around the question and should not be a copy paste of the previous answers.
Related article: Email Marketing Dos and Don’ts you need to know
Wrapping it up
These were some do’s and don’ts of Quora Marketing. In order to make your Quora posts successful you have to follow the do’s and avoid the don’ts.
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