Optimizing for search engines is imperative for online businesses. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding it which makes it difficult for businesses to do so effectively. Hence, today we are going to address some of such misconceptions. So, read this article to learn about 10 common SEO myths you need to get out of your system.
In order to reach the target market, a business needs to improve its visibility and reach on search engines. And that’s why search engine optimization is needed. However, SEO is quite different now from what it used to be. And it only keeps evolving and changing.
As a result, there is also a great section of the online market that is stuck with the old ways and ideas. This is one of the major factors that contribute to the myths and misconceptions of SEO as we have them today. In order to optimize for the search engines in the best way possible, one needs to first get rid of such myths. And hence, today we are going to debunk 10 of the most common SEO myths.
Get rid of these 10 common SEO myths

#1 More the keywords, the better
This is one of the biggest SEO myths that continue to be around. If you think that using more and more keywords in your content will help you rank better, you are sorely mistaken. This practice, which is called keyword-stuffing, is greatly advised against by SEO experts. The websites that stuff keywords in their content like that end up being penalized by Google. So, this is something you must keep in mind.
#2 Link building isn’t as important
If you are one of those who think that link building isn’t as important, then again, you’re mistaken big time. There is nothing you can really do in SEO that can compensate for link building. It is one of the key factors that Google takes into consideration when giving a ranking boost to a website. Hence, you must get rid of this myth and work on your link building.
#3 Higher the number of links, the better
And then, there are those who do believe in link building but think that having a high number of links is all it is about. If that’s what you think, you are far from right. While the quantity of links does make a little bit of difference, it is more about the quality of the links. A website with a lesser number of links would rank better than the one with more if it has better quality links. With backlinks, it’s simply quality over quantity.
#4 PPC helps improve organic ranking
You will get to hear this one a lot from PPC agencies. However, it is far from true. Paid search has its own importance but if you think it can replace organic reach, you are wrong. For one, many customers simply filter out the paid results without even batting an eye on them. They know that your website is appearing there because you’ve paid for it. PPC is important and can help you generate web traffic while you work on your SEO. However, in no way can it improve your organic traffic.
#5 Domain age is a ranking factor
It is believed by many that the older a domain is, the better it will be ranked by Google. However, that is not the case. The websites with greater domain age may rank better for the simple reason that they have been around for longer. Hence, they must be doing SEO for a long time, building links, and so on. In fact, Google itself has denied the presence of a “sandbox” or that domain age is a ranking factor. Give your new website some time and if you do SEO right, you’ll be ranking for your keywords in no time.
#6 Longer content helps rank better
While you should definitely be looking out for thin content, it doesn’t imply that having longer content can help you rank better. This is one of the most common myths around SEO that the more words you write, the better. In fact, many will try to substantiate this argument by saying how most of the time, content ranked in top has over 1,500 words. However, it is important to understand that it is a case of correlation and not causation.
#7 You must post every day
If you think that in order for your blog to rank high on SERPs you need to post everyday, you are wrong. While consistency is and posting regularly is important, it doesn’t mean that posting everyday will get you high ranking. The focus has to be on the quality of the content and not how often you post them.
#8 SEO is dead
Well, here’s another (surprisingly) common myth that SEO doesn’t work anymore. That’s not true. Yes indeed if you are stuck with old ways of SEO, it might not work for you. In any case, SEO is not dead. Just do proper keyword research and place them in your content—do just this bit and nothing else—and even with this bare minimum, you will see the difference in web traffic.
#9 Investing in SEO services is useless
If you think investing in SEO services is useless and you can do it yourself, then you are greatly mistaken. There is nothing that can parallel the SEO services a professional can give you. This explains why most successful online businesses outsource SEO services.
#10 SEO is a one-time job
You can’t just do SEO once, leave it be and expect to rank consistently. SEO is not a one-time job. One needs to constantly keep optimizing their website in order to rank high on SERPs. If you don’t do that, you will lose your rankings in no time.
Here we conclude 10 of the most common SEO myths. It is important to watch out for such myths, misconceptions, and misinformation in order to do effective SEO and digital marketing. We hope this post will help you improve your understanding of SEO and help you optimize your online presence better.