Content marketing is a crucial part of digital marketing. It is always some or the other sort of content—be it blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts, images, and so on—that is required for communicating your marketing message to your audience. And for that, one needs to keep coming up with new ideas and keep creating content. However, we run out of inspiration sometimes. So, what’d you do in that case? To find the answer, read this article and learn about some of the best ways of finding content ideas.
Curation of relevant ideas and create of useful content is a constant requirement of a business to effectively market itself on the digital platforms. When you hire digital marketing services, they also make it a point to create and publish quality content regularly. However, at times it can get difficult to keep coming up with relevant ideas. And that’s just what this article can help you with.
The best ways of finding content ideas

#Ask your audience
What can be the better way of finding the right content ideas than to ask the audience you are writing for? You could simply ask such question at the end of your blogs or vides like “What would you like to watch/read next?” Social media can also be a great place to connect with your audience and get their opinions. You can use various features like Polls, QnA, MCQ, etc.
#Read comments
Be it your blog post, your YouTube video, your social media posts, your competitor’s post—no matter where you find comments related to your niche, just read them. This will allow you to know what is going on in the world of your target audience—their pain points, questions, opinions, and so. And this will help you come up with useful content ideas.
#Join social media groups
Being a part of social media groups relevant to your niche can also be really helpful in finding content ideas. People tend to share their queries and questions on such groups. This will allow you to get an idea of what kind of content your target audience is looking for. And hence, you will be able to curate many useful ideas.
#Be a part of online discussion forums
There are many general discussion forums on the internet like Quora, Yahoo! Answers, etc., and also industry/theme-specific groups. People generally go to such groups to get answers for their various queries which also include business queries. By joining the right discussion forums will allow you to follow the discussions around your industry and you will eventually be able to come up with some amazing content ideas.
#Research your competitors
Another way to solve the problem of content ideas is to research your competitors. In fact, digital marketing agencies in Edmonton provide special competitor research services for the clients to improve their content marketing and other marketing channels. So, doing this will allow you to find out topics that you haven’t covered yet but your competitors have. And then, you can list those ideas and try to create even better content than that of your competitors. Hence, while solving the content issue, it can also help you beat the competition and rank better than your competitors.
#Follow industry publications
There are industry specific publications in almost every sort of business sector. Such publications generally post articles based on current trends and hot topics. Thus, following such publications can help you find out topics with the potential of high engagement rates. And yes, don’t forget to check out the comments!
#Re-purpose ideas
Written blogs, videos, animations, podcasts, infographics—there are a number of forms that a content can be represented. So, in order to solve the problem of content idea inspiration, you can re-purpose a single content idea in many other forms. Let’s say a digital marketing agency in Vancouver has written a blog about “search ranking factors.” Then, it can repurpose the same content idea by creating a video and infographic out of it. And that is how you re-purpose content idea.
Wrapping up
Content marketing is an important business function. However, businesses generally face the problem with curating content ideas as they run out of inspirations. But there are in fact many ways that you can ensure a constant flow of useful content ideas. And we have listed the best of them in the points below. So, make sure to try them all out. And you can rid yourself from all those worries while enjoying great content marketing campaigns if you hire the services of digital marketing agencies in Mississauga.
Make sure to leave a comment below and tell us about which tip helped you the most. And for more such tips, stay tuned!